Friday, January 22, 2010

another farewell

hiks. sedih. satu lagi teman saya hilang :(

seperti saya bilang padanya. saya nggak tau, apakah harus bahagia atau harus bersedih.
karena sebetulnya saya bahagia, karena akhirnya, dia bisa jadi fulltime mom. bisa mendampingi anak2nya 24 jam. bahagia, karena akhirnya she's free :)
mudah2an, segera tercapai jadi pengusaha mini market (or midi?) ya cha :)
kan kalo deket2 rumah, saya bisa belanja disitu.
kalo sama temen lama boleh nyicil ampe 6 bulan nggak? bwahahahahahaha :D

tapi di sisi lain. saya sedih. banged.
pastilah, secara, selama ini sering banged ngabisin waktu (kerja) sama2.
ketawa bareng, curhat bareng, outing bareng, bete bareng, hahahahaha....
dulu, kan pernah duduk deketan. 1 booth.
jadi, selain yuli, chacha juga "another" person di saat saya nggak sama2 si babeh tercinta :)
tapi "selingkuhan" saya ini orang baek2 kok :)
hei, she's another mom for my sons! they even call her "mama chacha" until today....
(hihihi, sementara, anak2nya malah manggil mommy ya?? :D )

ya lah cha, like u said, although it's very hard to say and decide, this is the time for you to resign.
this is the time you will start d new chapter of your life, to become a fulltime mother for your special childs :)
and for that, i have no reason to feel sad or unhappy about your decision to leave me and the Firm -your second home for more than 13 years-...

Good luck ya sis, u know, deep in my heart, I always love u as my own sista :)

Thanks for being my friend, thanks for this beautiful friendship (inget nggak sama2 nginep di bandung untuk ke kawinan rita? ato saat outing di anyer? hei, we were roommates :) ...)
and thanks for the every moments that we've shared...

I wish u all d best and I believe God will give u best for the great person like u...

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