Wednesday, October 31, 2012

my big bro n jorge lorenzo, the world champion 2012 #2

more pics of my big bro.... taken from his wall

"5 sec before fun ride with lorenzo world champion 2012...foto taken by ( selasa 30 oct 2012 di sentul kecil karting circuit dalam acara meet & greet and fun riding with lorenzo..."

"terlihat lorenzo nguber2x gw walau dia start dari belakang dan akhirnya 3 tikungan terakhir gw di salip lorenzo...terlihat gaya riding gw (depan yg cenderung natural style) berbeda dengan pembalap pro kelas dunia lorenzo belakang dengan lean body dengan gaya kneedown nya segala...hehehe but its okay he is the world champion 2012...foto taken by selasa 30 oct 2012 di sentul kecil karting circuit dalam acara meet & greet and fun riding with lorenzo..."

"foto bareng YRC team 1 before fun ride with lorenzo world champion 2012...foto taken by ( selasa 30 oct 2012 di sentul kecil karting circuit dalam acara meet & greet and fun riding with lorenzo..."

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ughhh, u really know how to having fun with your own style, eh big bro? :D

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